Dua to Win and Increase Husband Love

Dua to Win and Increase Husband Love

Introduction: Importance of Islamic Dua

Dua to Win and Increase Husband Love, Have you ever felt that the relationship has stagnated or that old love between husband and wife is no longer there? If yes, then do not panic. There is a solution to every problem in Islam, and the biggest solution is dua. Dua is not only a way to connect with Allah, but it also brings blessings in your relationship.

Islam teaches to ask Allah for help in every situation. When you pray with a true heart, Allah listens to you. Dua is also very important for strengthening the relationship between husband and wife.

Why the need to win and increase the husband’s love?

Think, if there is no love in the relationship, how will life feel? When you do not see a smiling face after a tiring day, the heart breaks.

The relationship between husband and wife in Islam is a sacred bond. Allah has made this relationship a means of comfort and love. The Quran says:

“And has created love and mercy between them.” (Quran 30:21)

But what if there is a rift in the relationship? This often happens when there is a lack of love and understanding. This is the time when dua is resorted to.

Powerful Dua To Make Someone Madly In Love With You

The right way and conditions of dua

Dua is not just a game of words. It is effective only when you do it with a true heart and full intention.

Have faith in God.

Pray after namaz and during the quiet hours of the night.

Prayers made during Tahajjud namaz are more effective.
If you consider dua as just a formality, its effect may be less. While praying, also ask for forgiveness for your sins.

Teachings of husband-wife relationship in Quran and Hadith
Many lessons have been given in the Quran and Hadith regarding the relationship between husband and wife.

The Quran says:

“They are clothing for you and you are clothing for them.” (Quran 2:187)
This means that husband and wife fulfill each other’s needs and cover up weaknesses.
The Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) said:
This is proof of how much importance is given to love and respect in relationships in Islam.

Effective Duas for Husband’s Love

Now let’s talk about those special duas that can increase the love for you in the husband’s heart.

Surah Taha (20:39):
“And I put my love upon you.”
Read this verse daily and pray to Allah for love in your relationship.

Surah Ikhlas:
Read it at least 11 times a day and pray to Allah for the strength of your relationship.

Rabbana Aatina:
This dua is excellent for blessings in relationships.

Protection from nafs and satanic waswas
The waswas of Satan is a big threat in relationships. He tries every possible way to create misunderstandings between husband and wife.

Read A’uzu Billah minash shaitanir rajim repeatedly.

Pray to Allah to protect the relationship from bad thoughts.
Ibadat and good deeds to increase love
Have you ever felt that the heart feels light and happy after reading namaz? This is the blessing of Allah.

Read the Quran daily.

Do small good deeds, such as cooking food of your husband’s choice.
Be thankful every day.
The importance of patience and thanks
The importance of patience and thanks in relationships is like watering a tree.

When things are difficult, be patient.

Thank Allah for what is good in your relationship.
Tips to please husband in Islamic way
Follow Islamic ways to please your husband:

Take care of his likes and dislikes.
Use loving words.

When he is tired, be his comfort.

Consistency of Dua in a love relationship

Regular dua brings blessings in the relationship.

Working Dua Wazifa for Husband Love, Care


Dua is considered a wonderful power in Islam. If you want to improve and strengthen your relationship, adopt these Islamic duas and methods. Remember, every dua made with a true heart is accepted.

Dua to Win and Increase Husband Love, FAQs

Is only dua enough for husband’s love?

Along with dua, good deeds and understanding are also important in a relationship.

When should dua be made?

After namaz, at the time of tahajjud and whenever you wish from the heart.

Is it necessary to read a particular aayat?

Yes, especially Surah Taha and Surah Ikhlas are considered effective.

How to clear misunderstandings in a relationship?

Communication and apology are the best ways to clear misunderstandings.

Does Allah listen to everyone’s prayers?
Yes, Allah listens to every prayer made with a true heart.