Lost love back in Malaysia, Are you also looking for your lost love? Does their absence still pain your heart? Love is such a precious feeling, after losing which life seems incomplete. But don’t worry, you can get your lost love back with Islamic remedies. In this article, we will tell you easy and effective ways, which will not only help you, but will also bring happiness back to your life.
Understand the pain of losing love
Losing love is not easy for anyone. This pain settles in every corner of the heart and every little thing reminds us of them.
Do you also miss their smile?
Do you see their glimpse everywhere?
If yes, then this article is for you. Breaking of love is not only the separation of two hearts, it also shakes our soul.
Importance of love and relationships in Islam
Islam considers relationships and love to be very sacred. The Quran also emphasizes on cherishing and respecting relationships.
Love is considered a gift from Allah.
The importance of honesty and loyalty in relationships is explained.
If you want to save your relationship, Islamic methods can show you the right path.
Power of Tauba and Dua
Tauba and Dua are considered very powerful in Islam.

How to do Tauba?
Apologize to Allah for your mistakes.
Pray from the heart and promise to follow the right path.
Special Duas:
Surah Fatiha: Reading it gives peace to the heart.
Surah Yasin: Read it daily and ask Allah for help.
Remember, anything asked from the heart in Dua is always accepted.
Importance of Wazifa
Wazifas are considered very important in Islamic remedies. These are small but effective remedies that can remove your problems.
Special Wazifas:
Wazifa of “Ya Wadudu”:
Read it 101 times daily.
Pray to Allah to bring your love back.
Wazifa of “Durud Sharif”:
Read it in the morning and evening.
It is very effective for love and affection.
These wazifas will not only strengthen your relationship but will also give peace to your heart.
Follow the right way of Namaaz
Namaz is an important pillar of Islam.
Offer Namaaz five times a day.
Pray to Allah to solve your relationship.
Do you know? Namaaz gives peace to our soul and heart, which helps us to take the right decisions.
Importance of trust and patience
The most important thing to get love back is patience and trust in Allah.
Have you ever thought that maybe Allah is planning something better for you?
Patience makes things happen in their own time.
Allah says, “For those who are patient, I always make a way for the best.” So be patient and continue your efforts.
Remove evil eye and negative energy
Often the evil eye or negative energy can affect your relationship. To remove it, follow Islamic remedies.
Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas:
Recite these verses 3 times daily.
Blow after reciting the dua around the house.
Salt and water remedy:
Dissolve salt in water and sprinkle it in the house.
It removes negativity.
Practices to strengthen love
Special practices can be done to increase love in a relationship.
How to do “Mohabbat Ka Amal”:
Recite “Ya Ra’ufu” 11 times before going to sleep at night.
Pray to Allah to improve your relationship.
This amal works to rekindle love in hearts.
Try a new beginning
Breaking up a relationship does not mean that everything is over. You can start again.
How to make a new beginning?
Remove the negativity inside you.
Have an open conversation with your partner.
Be ready to ask for and give forgiveness.
Have you ever felt that honesty and forgiveness can rebuild a relationship?
Take the help of the right advisor
Sometimes it is difficult to solve all the problems on your own. In this situation, seek advice from an Islamic scholar or cleric.
Benefits of taking advice:
He will show you the right direction.
Will give solutions to your problems from an Islamic point of view.
Importance of true intention and intention
Purify your intention before doing any act.
Work with a true heart.
Do not cheat anyone.
Allah always helps people with true intentions.
Increase communication in relationships
Communication is very important to strengthen love and relationships again.
Do you talk openly to your partner?
Have you shared your problems?
If not, then now is the time to talk openly. Communication increases trust and understanding in a relationship.
Try to change yourself
In love, we often try to change others. But sometimes changing yourself is more beneficial.
What to do?
Control your anger and ego.
Ignore small things in a relationship.
Remember, change always starts from within.
Take help of Islamic books and verses
The Quran and Hadith have a solution to every problem.
Study the verses related to love and relationships.
Get inspired by Islamic stories.
With the wisdom of Allah, you can improve your relationships.

Trust Allah
Finally, leave your efforts to Allah.
Pray to Allah every day after Namaaz to resolve your relationship.
Accept his decision, because he knows best.
Love is a beautiful feeling, and it is important to make the right efforts to save it. Islamic remedies will not only save your relationship but will also give peace to your heart and soul. By adopting methods like tawba, dua, wazifa and namaz, you can get your lost love back. But the most important thing is patience and faith. Remember, Allah is always with those who try with a true heart.
FAQs: Questions and Answers to Lost love back in Malaysia
- Is it possible to get lost love back in Islam?
Yes, there are many remedies and prayers mentioned in Islam to get love back, which work if done with true intentions and faith.
- Can love come back with wazifa?
Yes, wazifas are considered very effective in Islam. Wazifas done in the right way and with a true heart can bring back your love.
- How does evil eye affect the relationship?
Evil eye brings misunderstandings and negativity in the relationship. To remove it, Islamic remedies like dua and wazifa should be done.
- Does Allah listen to every dua?
Yes, Allah listens to every dua made with a true heart. Just keep patience and faith.
- What should be done if it was my mistake in the relationship?
If the mistake was yours, then first apologize. Try to explain to your partner and change your behavior.