Dua to make someone fall in love: Belief, Feeling, and Effect

Dua to make someone fall in love with you
Love is a feeling that connects hearts. Everyone wants their special someone to love them the way they feel. But sometimes we feel that no matter how much we try, the other person is not able to understand our feelings. In such situations, people turn to prayers to get their heart’s desire fulfilled.

Today we will tell you about a special dua. That is recited according to Islamic beliefs to make someone fall in love with you. In this article, we will also discuss its importance, method of reciting, effect, and some (FAQs) related to it.

The power of dua in love

Dua is not just words, it is the call of your heart that connects directly to Allah. When we pray for someone. It is a source of relief not only for us but also for that person. Now the question arises, can a dua really make someone fall in love?

Answer: Yes, if your intention is clear. There is truth in your heart, and you ask Allah for something with a true heart. Then no dua goes in vain.

But, it is very important to keep one thing in mind—your intention should be right. In Islam, when you pray for someone, it is important that the dua is not for harming anyone, but becomes a source of goodness and happiness for both.

Powerful wazifa to make someone mad in love

Method of reading dua

There is a special way to recite this dua, and you can recite it like this:

Step 1: First of all, it is necessary to be in wudhu (state of purity).

Step 2: Now clean your heart and ask Allah for forgiveness for your sins.

Step 3: Nighttime is the best. When there is peace all around. You can recite the dua at this time.

Step 4: Before reciting the dua, recite “Durud Sharif” (Salat ala Nabi) three times.

Step 5: Then recite the wazifa of “Ya Wadudu” (يا ودود) 100 times. This is a special name of Allah. Which is a sign of love and affection.

Step 6: Now pray to Allah to fill that person’s heart with love for you.

Finally: Again recite “Durud Sharif” three times. Ask Allah to accept your prayer.

This method is easy. It should be done with conviction. When you pray, do it with complete honesty and truth from the heart.

Will just praying to work?

This question of yours is very valid. Will a person start loving you just by reciting a dua?

Answer: Along with praying, you also have to take your habit. Your relationship is in the right direction.

For example, if you are expressing your love to that person. After that, you also need to show respect, understanding, and patience towards him. Nothing will happen just by praying. Your efforts and your behavior are equally important. Everything in love comes with patience. It is earned in the right way.

How long will the effect of the dua last?
This is also a common question. How long will the effect of the dua be felt?

Answer: The answer is that the effect of the dua depends on your faith. Your intention and the will of Allah.
Sometimes the effect of the dua is seen quickly. Sometimes you have to be patient. Patience and faith are the two things that play an important role in the acceptance of the dua. If you feel that the dua is not working. Do not be disappointed. Allah may be planning something better for you.

What are the most effective Duas for love


  1. Is it right to pray to make someone fall in love?
    Yes, if your intention is right and you want well-being between the two of you, then there is no harm in it. It is according to Islamic Sharia that you can pray for someone. Provided your intention is right and you do not want to harm anyone.
  2. Does this dua work for everyone?

The effect of dua can be different for each person. Its effect depends on your intention. The situation of that person and the will of Allah. Some people see the effect quickly, while some have to be patient.

  1. Is there any special preparation required before reading the dua?

Yes, it is necessary to do wudu. Keep the heart clean, and read the dua with full devotion. Dua works only when you read it with complete sincerity and attention.

  1. What to do if the effect is not seen despite the dua?

If the effect is not seen even after reading the dua. Allah may have thought of something better for you. Be patient and keep praying. Every dua is answered. But the time and method may be different.

  1. Will just reciting “Ya Wadudu” work?

Ya Wadudu” is a powerful wazifa, but along with reciting it, you must maintain your intention, your actions, and your faith in Allah. Along with this, you can also take other steps to increase love and understanding in your relationship.

Combination of love and faith

Dua is not just a web of words, it is a voice from the heart. When you pray for someone with a true heart. Your dua may be accepted. Love is a beautiful feeling, and if you have love for someone in your heart, do not be afraid to express it. With dua, not only can you strengthen your feelings, but it can also bring depth to the relationship.

There is no compulsion in love.

Your intention should be clear.

Pray to Allah with patience.

Improve your actions and behavior too.

Hoping that Allah will accept your prayers, try to increase love, understanding and respect in your relationship.


Reading dua to make someone fall in love with you can be a beautiful way, but along with that, you should also improve your patience, intention, and behavior. Dua only works if your heart is pure and you have complete faith in Allah.

So, next time you fall in love with someone and want to give them a place in your heart. Make a dua from your heart and have faith in Allah. Everything will happen at the right time. Just be patient and continue your hard work.