Power of Dua in Islam
Powerful Dua To Remove Toxic Person From Your Life, Have you ever felt that some people are causing negativity and stress in your life? It hurts, doesn’t it? But don’t panic, Islam gives us beautiful solutions to stay away from such toxic people and find peace. Let’s discuss this in detail.
Dua: Ask Allah for help
Dua means speaking your heart out to Allah. It is a process in which you put every matter of your heart, every sorrow, every desire in front of Allah. You can pray to Allah to protect you from these negative people.
“O Allah, protect me from those who bring stress and pain in my life. Give me peace and comfort.”
Use of Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas
In the Quran, Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas are mentioned as very effective in protecting from evil eye, Satan and negativity. These surahs should be recited regularly in the morning and evening.
Perform wudu.
Sit in a quiet place.
Read Surah al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas 3 times.
Wrap your hands around yourself to make yourself feel safe.

Perform Sajdah and ask Allah for guidance
When you feel that someone is mentally harassing you, perform Sajdah. This is the most sacred position in which you can talk to Allah directly.
Say in Sajdah:
“Ya Rahmanu, give me courage so that I can make the right decision.”
“Ya Rahim, take me away from those who take away my happiness.”
Read Nafl Namaz
Nafl Namaz is an additional Ibadat in Islam that soothes your heart and is a special way to ask Allah for help. Tahajjud Namaz is extremely beneficial to get rid of toxic people.
Get up at night and do wudu.
Read 2 rak’at nafl namaz.
Go into sajda and pray from the heart.
Wazifa of 99 names of Allah
Every problem has a solution in the names of Allah. To stay away from toxic people, you can do a wazifa of Allah’s names “Al-Hafiz” and “Al-Hakim”.
Method of doing wazifa:
Read “Ya Hafizu” 100 times.
Read “Ya Hakim” 100 times.
Finally do dua.
Repent and keep the heart clean
If you have hatred or anger for someone, then repent. Ask Allah for forgiveness for your mistakes and also pray for those people that Allah should show them the right path.
Example of dua:
“Ya Allah, make me a clean-hearted person and show those people the right path too.”

Importance of Sabr and Shukr
In Islam, Sabr (patience) and Shukr (gratitude) are given great importance. Toxic people test your patience, but remember that Allah always rewards the patient.
“Allah is with the patient.” (Quran 2:153)
Choose good company
In Islam, it is said that a person’s company shapes his personality. If you spend time with positive and religious people, your life will also be full of peace and comfort.
Follow religious teachings
Five times prayers and reading Quran daily gives you mental strength. It helps protect you from the influence of toxic people.
Develop positive thinking
Sometimes toxic people make us feel weak. But if you keep reminding yourself that Allah is with you, you will never become weak.
Example of dua:
“O Allah, give me the strength to fight every difficulty.”
In conclusion:
Friend, remember that Allah is in control of everything. If there is a toxic person in your life, leave it to Allah. Be sincere and faithful in your prayers. Allah will surely help you. You are not alone. Allah is with you.