Ways to get love back with Wazifa

Ways to get love back with Wazifa: A simple and effective guide

Love is a feeling that touches the heart deeply. But sometimes it happens that the person we love immensely goes away from our life for some reason. The heart breaks and we feel that our world has fallen apart. At such times, we are ready to do anything so that our love comes back. In this article, we will talk about effective ways to “get love back with Wazifa”. If you love someone immensely and have lost him/her. then you can get answers to your questions in this article.

What is Wazifa?

Wazifa is actually a special method of Islamic prayers, in which you ask Allah for help for a specific purpose. It is a spiritual act, in which some verses or prayers of the Quran are recited regularly. If you do it with a true heart and with faith. Your prayer can be accepted.

Working Dua Wazifa for Husband Love, Care

Can love come back with Wazifa?

This question comes to the mind of everyone who has lost love. Yes, if your intention is good and your love is true, then you can pray to Allah through wazifa to bridge the distance between you and your love. While praying to Allah, it is important to believe that he will accept your prayer.

How do love back wazifa?

Here are some special wazifas that are done to get love back. Read these wazifas carefully and do them with full devotion.

  1. Surat Al-Ikhlas Ka Wazifa

Surat Al-Ikhlas is recited and prayed to Allah. Read it 101 times daily remember your love and pray to Allah to bring him/her back. It can be read after sunset, after Maghrib Namaaz. When you do it, remember your love with all the emotions of your heart.

  1. Wazifa of Ayat-ul-Kursi

Ayat-ul-Kursi is considered very powerful. Read wazifa 51 times daily after Fajr Namaaz. While reading it. Pray to Allah that he understands the condition of your heart and brings your love back to you.

  1. Wazifa of Surat Fatiha

Surat Fatiha is also very effective. Read it 7 times and after that pray for the return of your love. Do this wazifa daily for 7 days and keep your intentions clear.

  1. Wazifa of Surat Yasin

Read Surat Yasin 3 times every Thursday night. While reading it, pray to Allah with a true heart for the return of your love. After reading it, take the name of your love and recommend to Allah that he solves your problem.

Things to keep in mind while doing the wazifa

True intention: The wazifa works only when your intentions are clear and true. If you want to get your love back only for some selfish or wrong purpose, then the wazifa will not work.

Patience and belief: After doing the wazifa. You have to be patient. You have to believe that Allah will definitely hear your prayers. He will bring your love back at the right time.

Being punctual with namaz: Along with doing the wazifa. You have to be punctual with namaz. Namaz will keep your heart clean and give you mental peace.

Efforts with dua: While doing the wazifa, just praying does not work. You have to make efforts for your love as well. Also try to convince them, talk to them, and correct your mistakes.

When to do the wazifa?

The right time to do the wazifa is after Maghrib ki namaz, after Fajr ki namaz, or at night. There is no specific day to do it, you can start it from any day. However, Thursday and Friday nights are given special importance. So if you do the wazifa on these days. It will be better.

wazifa for love

FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does Wazifa work for everyone?
    Wazifa works only when you do it with a true heart and full faith. If your intention is clear and you want to get your love back with a true heart, then the wazifa will work with the help of Allah.
  2. For how many days should the wazifa be done?
    It depends on how long your wazifa is. Some wazifas are for 7 days, while some have to be done for 41 days. You should do it until your heart is at peace.
  3. Is the wazifa useless if my love does not come back?
    No, the wazifa never goes waste. If your love does not come back. It may mean that Allah has something better in store for you. You should have faith in Allah’s decision.
  4. Is it forbidden to talk to anyone while doing the wazifa?
    You should keep your mind calm during the wazifa. Although there is no prohibition in having a normal conversation, try to focus completely on Allah during the wazifa.
  5. Will love come back just by doing the wazifa?
    Wazifa is a spiritual method, but along with it you have to work hard yourself. If you have done something wrong with your love, then you have to try to correct it too. The wazifa will help you. But you yourself have to take the right steps to get your love back.
  6. What if I forget the wazifa?
    If you forget to do the wazifa some day. Don’t worry. You can start it again the next day. Allah will understand your true intention.

Other remedies to get love back

Apart from the wazifa. Some other things can help you get your love back:

Change yourself: Many times our love goes away because we have some habits that they don’t like. So look inside yourself and see. If there is any shortcoming in you that can be removed.

Apologize: If you have made a mistake. Then accept it and apologize to your love. Apologizing can give a new beginning to the relationship.

Communicate clearly: Lack of communication in relationships often causes distance. So talk openly and express your feelings.

Give space: Sometimes it is also important to give time. Give your love space so he can understand himself and think about your relationship.


Love is a very beautiful feeling, and if you truly love someone. Then every possible effort should be made to get him back. Wazifa is a spiritual way through which you can ask Allah for help. But along with this, you may also need to change your behavior and habits. If your love is true and the intention is good, then believe me, your love will come back. Have faith in your heart and be patient while praying to Allah.

May your prayers be accepted, Amen!

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