How to get your ex back

How to get your ex back with Islamic ways?

The journey of love and relationships is not always easy. Sometimes, circumstances turn out to be such that our hearts are shattered into pieces and our relationships end. If you too want to get your ex back and are looking for a solution to your problems through Islamic principles, then this article is for you.

The depth of relationships is taken very seriously in Islam. It emphasizes not only emotional but also spiritual relationships. When a relationship breaks, it affects not only the heart but also the soul. In such a situation, the methods mentioned in Islam can not only help you mend your relationship but also strengthen your Iman.

Asking Allah for help – The power of Tawakkul

When you are in difficulty, the first step is to ask Allah for help. Remember, Allah is all-powerful. Express your heart sincerely in your prayers. One of the best ways is to stay awake and pray at the time of Tahajjud. This is the time to get closer to Allah. You can present your pain and desire to get back together with your ex to Allah.

Tawbah and Islah – Look within

Sometimes, our own mistakes are the reason for a breakup. Islam gives us a chance to correct ourselves. Repent for your past mistakes and ask Allah for forgiveness. It lightens the soul and cleanses the heart. This chance to improve yourself can not only improve your relationship but also your life.

Importance of Patience

Patience is a virtue that is given great importance in Islam. It is not easy to be patient when your heart is yearning for someone. But patience is the bridge that can take you to your destination. Remember, the fruit of patience is sweet. It is also possible that you may not get what you want immediately, but be patient and have faith in Allah’s plan.

Get Ex Love Back

Ruhani Amal – Quran and Duaayan

Connecting with the Quran can provide comfort and peace to your soul. Reading Surah Yaseen and Surah Al-Ikhlas is very beneficial. Apart from this, you can read “Duaain Mohabbat Ke Liye” and “Aayat of Surah Tawba”. These duaain can become a medium to ask Allah for your help.

Understanding the Roots of Your Relationship

It is very important to analyze why your relationship broke up. Was it due to some misunderstanding, or did you unintentionally hurt your partner? Only after understanding this can you work in the right direction. Try to communicate with your partner, but this communication should be with a true heart and intention.

Islamic Balance in Love

Islam teaches us that there should be balance in love. It is important to maintain love with honesty and respect. If you want to get your relationship back, then incorporate Islamic values ​​in it. Keep your intentions clear and trust Allah.

Change your behavior and be positive
Changing your behavior can be a big step. Your ex may have drifted away because of your behavior. A positive personality not only attracts others but also strengthens relationships. Control your anger and ego.

Understand and give importance
Your ex should feel how special he or she is to you. But instead of adopting artificial ways to show this, follow the path of truth and love. Islam teaches us the lesson of truth and honesty. Speak your heart out but also take care of the other person’s feelings.

Consult parents and close friends
In Islam, the role of family is important in improving relationships. Consult your parents or a close friend. They can not only understand your relationship better but also guide you in the right direction.

Importance of Sadaqa and Khairaat

Giving Sadaqa not only solves your problems but also gives peace to your heart. When you help someone in need, it is very much liked by Allah. Keep your intentions clear while giving charity and praying for your relationship.

The importance of communication – honesty and openness
If you decide to talk to your ex, do it with honesty and an open heart. Do not try to hide anything in this conversation. Express your feelings openly and try to understand what they are feeling.

Plan your future
If your relationship is reunited, try to make it better than before. Do not repeat the mistakes that broke your relationship. Islam teaches us that every relationship should have love and respect.

The power of Dua

Namaz is a medium that connects you to Allah. Pray for your relationship after every dua. The five times prayer soothes your heart and mind and gives you the strength to work in the right direction.

Prepare your heart for Allah’s decision
Finally, the most important thing is to accept whatever happens as Allah’s will. If your ex doesn’t come back to you, it could be that Allah has something better planned for you. Keep your heart prepared for Allah’s plan.

Powerful Dua To Make Someone Madly In Love With You


Following the principles of Islam while trying to get your ex back can not only strengthen your relationship but also bring you closer to Allah. This journey will not be easy, but if you work with a sincere heart, Allah will surely help you.

FAQs related to How to get your ex back

  1. Can I pray in Tahajjud for my ex?

Yes, prayers made in Tahajjud are very effective. You can sincerely ask Allah for help for your relationship.

  1. Can reading the Quran improve my relationship?

Reading the Quran calms your heart and mind. It can show you the right direction and is a great way to ask Allah for help.

  1. What should I do if my ex does not come back?

If they do not come back, consider it Allah’s will and try to move on with your life.

  1. Can giving sadaqa improve the relationship?

Giving charity is a way to solve your problems. It is very pleasing to Allah and can help improve your relationship.

  1. Is it permissible in Islam to mend a broken relationship?

Yes, in Islam there is complete permission to improve relationships as long as the relationship is within the ambit of Sharia.

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