What is the wazifa for love and marriage, Love is the most beautiful feeling in a person’s life. But sometimes we do not get the love we desire. Does your heart beat for someone, but he does not understand your feelings? Have you started loving someone immensely and want him to love you as much?
If yes, then in Islam, problems related to love and marriage can be solved through wazifas and duas. Wazifa done correctly with the help of Maulana can make your love complete. In this article, we will tell you effective Islamic remedies to bring love in your life and remove obstacles in marriage.
Wazifa to fall in love with someone (How to fall someone in love with you wazifa?)
If you want someone to love you from the heart, then you have to do a special wazifa. To do this wazifa, you will need Allah’s help and right intention.
Method of performing Wazifa:
First of all, clean yourself and do Wudhu.
Sit in a quiet place and recite Darood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times.
Then recite “Ya Wadudu” (يا وَدُودُ) 1000 times from your heart.
After this, pray to Allah with a true heart for your love.
Finally, recite Darood-e-Ibrahimi 11 times again and ask Allah for blessings in your love.
Perform this Wazifa continuously for 21 days and pray to Allah with a true heart. If the intention is right, then InshaAllah you will definitely get your love.

Which dua is the most powerful to attract love?
There are many such duas in Islam that can help in attracting love. But the most effective dua is considered to be the 36th verse of “Surah Yasin”.
Read this dua:
“سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي خَلَقَ الْأَزْوَاجَ كُلَّهَا مِمَّا تُنْبِتُ الْأَرْضُ وَمِنْ أَنْفُسِهِمْ وَمِمَّا لَا يَعْلَمُونَ”
(Surah Yaseen: 36)
Method of reading:
Read this verse 313 times daily.
While reading, take the name of your love and pray to Allah with a true heart.
Do this practice for at least 21 days.
If your love is pure, then Allah Ta’ala will definitely help you.
Which is the most effective wazifa for love?
The most effective wazifa in Islam is considered to be the wazifa of “Ya Wadudu” (يا وَدُودُ). This is one of the 99 names of Allah, which means “the most loving”.
Method of wazifa:
Read “Ya Wadudu” 1000 times every day.
Be sure to read Darood-e-Pak 11 times before and after reading it.
After doing this wazifa, pray to Allah to bring your love closer to you.
By doing this amal continuously, the chances of getting success in love increase.
Which surah makes someone fall in love with you?
If you want someone to start loving you immensely, then the amal of “Surah Ikhlas” is very effective.
Method of doing it:
Read “Surah Ikhlas” 41 times daily.
While reading it, keep the name of that person in your heart.
Do this amal for at least 21 days.
With the order of Allah, it will not take long for your love to become yours.
Which dua helps in attracting men? (Which dua attracts men?)
If you want your desired person to be attracted towards you, then do the wazifa of “Ya Latifu” (يا لطيف).
Read “Ya Latifu” 133 times every day.
Read Darood-e-Ibrahimi before and after doing it.
Do this practice for 21 consecutive days.
With the blessings of this wazifa, your desired person will start getting attracted towards you.
There is a solution to every problem in Islam, we just have to trust Allah and have the right intention. The wazifas and duas mentioned above are very effective for problems related to love and marriage. But remember, every dua has an effect only when the intention is clear and the love is pure.

What is the wazifa for love and marriage, FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)
- Can love really be achieved by doing wazifa?
Yes, if the intention is true and the action is done correctly, then love can be achieved with the grace of Allah.
- Which is the most effective dua for love?
“Ya Wadudu” and reading the 36th verse of “Surah Yaseen” are considered the most effective.
- Are there any special rules while doing these wazifas?
Yes, wazifa should always be done with purity and right intention.
- What to do if there is no effect in 21 days?
Be patient and continue the wazifa. Sometimes it takes time for the dua to be accepted.
- Do these wazifas work on everyone?
Yes, if it is Allah’s will and your intention is true, then there will definitely be an effect.