
Love gives you a very unique experience. When you love someone, you don’t like anything else, you always keep thinking about him/her.

If you also love someone very much, but you feel that the other person does not love you. But your intentions are good, and you want him/her to marry you.

We are going to give you a “dua to make someone love you. If you do this dua correctly, then, InshaAllah, that person will start loving you.

How does the dua to make someone fall in love with you work?

As everyone knows the Quran is a book in which Prophet Muhammad has given the solution to every problem.

I assure you that the Quran is the only book in which the solution to every problem is given. Even if it is your love-related problem.

If your love is true and your intentions are good and clean. Then after reading this Quranic dua, you can easily make that person fall in love with you.

Many people try to get half-baked knowledge.

After that they say something and then they are not able to do that work properly and tell friends that they have bad luck.

If you love someone and want to get him/her. We want to tell you that the methods and wazifa of the duas given by us are given in a completely halal way, which is not shirk in Islam. Perform it with full faith in Allah.

Follow some important points before starting this Dua/Wazifa

I assure you that if you follow these points then it will be very beneficial for you and Allah Ta’ala will accept your Dua.

Your intention behind the prayer should be completely noble and pure. If your intention is not pure, then this prayer will not work.

You have to do this Dua with full faith in Allah Ta’ala. If you have any doubt in your heart or a thought comes into your mind. Your Dua will not be accepted. Then it may be because it is a kind of negative energy that prevents your Dua from being accepted.

Although you can do Dua at any time. Some moments are considered more favorable. Such as the last third of the night, on Fridays, and on special occasions like Ramadan.

Do not do it during menstruation: Women should not do this Dua or Wazifa during menstruation.

Authentic Dua to Make Someone Fall in Love with You: A Guide to Heartfelt Prayer

Understanding the Power of Dua

Preparing for Dua

  • Before starting Dua, it is essential to prepare yourself by performing ablution and wearing clean clothes.
  • It is also important to find a quiet and peaceful place to make your Dua, free from distractions and interruptions.
  • Tips for a successful Dua include being patient, persistent, and sincere in your prayers.

Powerful Duas for Love

  • One of the most powerful Duas for love is to recite “Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Birahmatika Astaghees” 435 times, followed by reading “AR-RAHMAAN” 11 times and praying to Allah to make that person love you.
  • Reading Surahs and verses from the Quran. Such as Surah Al-Mu’minoon, can also be beneficial in making someone fall in love with you.
  • Durood Ibrahim is an essential part of any Dua and should be recited at the beginning and end of your prayer.

Performing Dua and Wazifa

  • To perform Dua to make someone fall in love with you, start by making a fresh ablution and wearing clean clothes.
  • Recite Durood Ibrahim three times, followed by reading Surah Al-Mu’minoon 21 times.
  • Pray to Allah to make that person love you, and ask for His guidance and blessings.
  • To perform Wazifa to make someone mad in love with you, recite the Dua 11 times, followed by reading Surah Al-Waqiah 7 times.

Benefits and Considerations

  • The benefits of using Dua to make someone love you back include increased love and affection. Improved relationships, and a stronger bond between you and the person you love.
  • However, it is essential to be aware of the potential drawbacks of reading the wrong Dua for love back. Which can include negative consequences and unintended results.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Is it wrong to make Dua for someone to love you back? No, it is not wrong to make Dua for someone to love you back, as long as your intentions are pure and you are not trying to manipulate or control the other person.
  • How do you pray to Allah to get someone you love? To pray to Allah to get someone you love, start by making a fresh ablution and wearing clean clothes, then recite Durood Ibrahim and read Surah Al-Mu’minoon 21 times.
  • Can I ask Allah to make someone fall in love with me? Yes, you can ask Allah to make someone fall in love with you, but it is essential to have pure intentions and to respect the other person’s free will.

Maintaining a Positive Attitude

  • Maintaining a positive attitude while performing Dua is essential, as it can help you to stay focused and motivated.
  • It is also important to be patient and to trust in Allah’s timing and wisdom.
  • Remember to always keep your intentions pure and to respect the other person’s free will.


  • In conclusion, Dua is a powerful tool that can help bring positive change in your life, including making someone fall in love with you.
  • By following the guidelines and tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your goals.
  • Remember to always keep your intentions pure, be patient, and trust in Allah’s timing and wisdom.

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