Wazifa or Surah to Make Someone Love You

Wazifa or Surah to Make Someone Love You

Wazifa or Surah to Make Someone Love You, Falling in love with someone is one of the best feelings you have in life. Love brings the two different souls close to each other and brings them in an unbreakable relation forever. It also gives you confidence and motivates you to become a better person and achieve more in life. We do hard work and improve ourselves for the person we love and have felt deep in our hearts. We need someone whether it’s our parents, siblings, friends or a girlfriend, with whom we can share our feelings.

Love makes you keep going and bring happiness to your life, but it has to be from both sides. Sometimes it happens that you love someone but she has not much interest in you. She likes you, spends time with you, but not showing any sign or expressing her love for you. Here you can take the help of Dua or surah to make someone love you and make her fall in your love.

Some people after arranging a marriage, find it difficult to match themself with their partner and often ignore each other or fight. You may think that it will be fine someday, but it can disastrous if you will control the situation. Wazifa to make someone fall in love with you or dua to make someone call you can solve this problem.

Dua for parents to accept love marriage

Surah –Ikhlas is one of the smallest but Powerful Surah of Quran-e-Pak and it can solve your marriage and love life problems successively.

Make wudu.
Before Going to sleep Recite Surah Ikhlas 41 times.
Bismillaahir Rahmaanir Raheem

Qul huwal laahu ahad

Allah hus-samad

Lam yalid wa lam yoolad

Wa lam yakul-lahu kufuwan ahad

Recite Durood Shareef 11 times at the start and in the end.
Do this wazifa for 41 days and In sha Allah you will see results.
Dua to make someone love you
Nothing feels better than getting love from the person you love the most. If you love a girl from the sept of your heart, but not able to express your feelings to her. You are afraid that she may refuse you and go away from you. If you are facing these problems, then you should recite the dua for the one you love, seek the blessings of the Almighty and see the results instantly.

Wazifa or Surah to Make Someone Love You

It often happens that the love you love someone and want him/her to be your life partner, but fails to express your feelings when he/she comes near you. You get nervous and end up doing nothing. Dua to make someone love you can create a feeling for you in the person you love. It will create an attraction for you in her mind and she will try to spend more time with you. You can easily impress her and make her love you.

Recite this below mentioned Dua if you really want to marry the person you love. If your aim is something else other than marrying the person then this Dua will not solve your problem. The procedure of making Dua is mentioned below.

Make fresh wudu.
Recite Durood Shareef 11 times.
Recite Below mentioned Dua 15 times with Surah Fatiha:
Subhanakka La ilaha ila anta ya rabba kulli shai in wa warisohu wa raziqa

Recite Durood Shareef 11 times again.

Blow it on any sweet thing and make him/her eat.
Surah to Make Someone Love You
If you love someone and want her to be your partner, then you should seek the light of Allah and use the surah to make someone love you. Love is one of the greatest creations of the Almighty, he stated the solutions of all the problems you might face in the Holy Quran. You don’t have to worry about your love if she leaves you and seeks the best surah to make someone love you and enjoy your life.

Surah is a powerful chapter in Quran and meant to bring positivity to your life. You can use it in a good way and make you love to start loving you back. Every person likes someone and wants her to be his partner for life, but for some reason fails to get her it. Surah to make someone love you will make you impress the girl you love and will bring her closer to you.

Surah Kausar Wazifa For Love Marriage

Your purpose of reciting any surah to create love in someone’s heart is to marry the person because Islam does not support Haram relationships. Below mentioned is the process of making Dua make someone Loves you back.

Made Fresh wudu.
Recite durood Shareef 3 times.
Recite Surah Mariyam 7 times.
Recite Durood Shareef 3 times again.
Recite it for 3 days continuously.
Pray to Allah (SWT) to make the other person fall in love with you.

Wazifa to make someone fall in love with you

It is the best way to genuinely make someone love you. Wazifa to make someone fall in love with you requires some steps to follow, you should sleep at the same place you didi Dua and repeat the same process for the next days. You can instantly see the results by observing the change in your partner’s behavior. He/she will be more attracted and will try to spend more time with you. Practicing the wazifa to make someone fall in love with you can truly be one of the best things done to bring your love back.

Falling in love with someone is easy, but it’s hard to impress and marry the person you like the most in this world. Observe your partner and take the blessings of Allah to make her love you. Dua or wazifa to make someone contact you is a perfect solution to bring her closer to you and love you. Try wazifa to make someone call you with faith in Allah and he will bring your love closer to you fill your life with joy and happiness.

The procedure of doing Wazifa to make Someone Loves you mentioned below.

Recite durood Shareef once and then recite below mentioned Dua 7 times.
Wa Tamat Kalimato Rabika Sidq o wa Adla La mubadila l Li Kalimatihi wa hu was Samiul Alim

Recite Durood Shareef again 1 time.
Think about the person you love and blow on it. Do this Wazifa after any Salah till you achieve success.
You can also contact our Molvi Sahab to get the results fast, so call him now.